Penulisan Kreatif Multimodal mengajarkan bagaimana membuat esai fiksi dan non-fiksi secara multimodal, yang artinya kombinasi antara paparan tertulis dengan foto, video, dan narasi lisan. Mahasiswa akan belajar bagaimana membuat laporan berita yang baik, bagaimana menyusun cerita yang menarik, dan bagaimana menyusun travel writing yang menarik. Di akhir kuliah, mahasiswa akan mampu mengombinasikan elemen tulis beragam genre tersebut dengan foto, video, dan narasi suara sehingga menghasilkan satu karya multimodal kreatif yang koheren, harmonis, dan informatif.
- Teacher: Patrisius Djiwandono
Discourse Analysis teaches the students the definitions of discourse and some theoretical principles of how a discourse conveys messages and shapes people's perception about the world. It emphasizes on the elements of discourse that are vital for establishing relationship between human beings, persuading them to act, and influencing their perception about events and experiences. It involves a few fundamental concepts that later will be explored further in Critical Discourse Analysis.
This course is suitable for people who want to adopt a more critical attitude toward floods of information on their gadgets and from the Internet, and who wish to learn ways of using language to influence other people.
- Teacher: Patrisius Djiwandono